Commentary on Surat-al Hamd
The Point Under The Letter BA

تفسیر سوره حمد
نقطه باء زیر بسم الله




Where and when was this book written?
Mirza Mustafa Kateb a the Bayani scribe who has been in correspondence with Professor Browne discovered this book in 1885. Mirza Mustafa is responsible for furnishing Browne with copies of many of the Bayanic works. In a letter to Professor Browne published with the actual book in his handwriting in H-Bahai, he says that the original book was held by a Bahai named Ustad Abed in Isfahan during 1870.

We know that the Primal Point was in Isfahan in 1846 for a few months where he also wrote the commentary on Surat Val-Asr. It is possible that His Holiness wrote this book during the same period. It must be noted that not all of the writings of His Holiness have been recovered, and there may still be copies held privately by individuals. The book appears to be in response to a question concerning the letter 'Ba' of the Bism-allh (the first verse in Quran).
It is not known how Ustad Abedin got hold of the book but given the description that Mirza Mustafa gives of the age of the book, it must have been with Ustad Abedin or others for a long time.

What is this book about?
The bulk of this book concerns the meaning and significance of the Letter 'Ba' of the Bism-allah being the first Surat of Quran and indeed Bayan. The commentary is extremely rich and powerful and would have required someone with much authority on this difficult subject to write. Whilst no translation of the book is available at this time, the Persian readers and hopefully others (in future) will realize this point once they have read the book.

What is it that makes this book so much controversial
There are however prophecies made in this book that will make it at least very controversial. Based on the prophecies made in the book at the time of its writing, the Primal Point Point would not have yet been transferred to Maku.

Some examples of the Prophecies
At the time, Mirza Mustafa sent a copy of the book to Professor Browne, many of the prophecies would have already been fulfilled. One of the prophecies makes a reference to a place where the Primal Point would be imprisoned. It refers to this place with the number of Allah plus 1 being 67 (Allah = 66). We know that His Holiness was imprisoned in Maku with a numerical value of 67.

Another prophecy refers to the city 619 as the city where His Holiness’s blood was shed. We know that His Holiness was martyred in Tabriz with a numerical value of 619.

The majority of the prophecies however concern the future performance of the People of Bayan. The outlook described is very gloomy for at least a period of time. Before we proceed it is important to note that the followers of Mirza Husayn-Ali were considered amongst People of Bayan before they left the religion of Bayan to become Bahais.

The prophecies tell us that People of Bayan will divide as soon as the body of His Holiness disappears from this material world. This is exactly what happened. Husayn-Ali (Baha) initiated an under-hand process that started soon after His Holiness was martyred and came to a head in Edirne in 1863 and led to the great division.

The prophecy coniders this event identical to the event that followed the ascension of Prophet Muhammad where Ab-Bakr falsely claimed to be the successor, or when Jews started to worship a calf as soon as Moses disappeared.

Many of the prophecies refer to Abu-Bakr with the numerical value of his name being 231. In the same passage it sets 231 on the same level as 238. It describes 238 as the Letter of Denial who will prevent people from joining the religion of Bayan. It says He will cloth himself in the cloth of the Letters of Affirmation which means he falsely claims to be a true believer.

We know that based on Abjad notationHusayn-Ali equals 238. In another prophecy it says that the cities 260 and 26 are where the false claimant makes his claim. We know that Husayn-Ali made his public claim in Edirne with a numerical value of 260.

The prophecies are also very clear on the station of Mirror to His Holiness. They predict that all with the exception of a few will not listen to His Mirror and asserts that all that is revealed by Him is before His Mirror. This is identical to the Point’s latter writings where He addresses His Mirror by ‘You are me and I am You.

The reference to His Mirror is also clear. His name is the value of the letter ‘Ba’ multiplied by the value of Wahid or Unity. We know that name ‘Azal’ given to Yahya (i.e. Subh-i Aza)l by the Primal Point equals 38. 'Ba' equals 2 and 'Wahid' equals 19. ‘Ba’ multiplied by the value of' Wahi'd equals 38.

Bahai reaction to this book
Without a doubt Bahais will not accept this book as one of the writings of the Primal Point. What makes them to reject the book is not the commentary on the letter 'Ba' of the Bism-allah. In fact they would have most likely and happily accepted it as such. What makes Bahais reject this book is that the prophecies made in the book are extremely vivid and damning of Husayn-Ali (Baha) and his followers. We recall that Bahais rejected Nuqtat-al Kaf (the early history of the Bayani faith) claiming that it was a forgery. The version of accounts given in Nuqta-al Kaf contradicted the version given by the Bahai hierarchy and hence discrediting it was a primary Bahai objective which continued until now. All those efforts did not avail and the book is today considered as the most trust worthy account of the early Babi history.

It is also interesting to note that before this publication, Bahais have completely ignored this book, even though it has been available to them for quite some time.

There are however some unanswered questions:
There are however some questions that will need to be investigated and will be used by the critics to reject the authenticity of the book:

The arguments for the authenticity of the book
When judging the authenticity of this book, there are several points that should be considered: Invitation
The People of Bayan would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to the able individuals with an interest in Bayanic writings to fully translate, study and digest this important work.

Mirza Mustafa’s introduction to the book
The following is a translation of Mirza Mustafa’s introduction sent in a letter to Professor Browne which together with a copy of the book can be found in the Bahai section of H-Net.

Please see a biography of Mirza Mustafa.

Let it be known to that honourable, loved and respected that this book is the commentary on Surat-al Hamd.
In 1303 A.H (i.e. 1885 A.D), after the killing of six people from forty Babi Azali (i..e Bayani) families of Warnow [1] of Safadoran [2] one of the villages in the Sedeh[3] district in Isfahan, the remaining people fled the village. If the account of those events were written (they would have shown) what great and extraordinary events they were.
A certain Gholamreza (one of the refugees) took refuge at the house of a certain follower of Bahaullah by the name of Ibrahim in Najaf-Abad 19 kilometres from Isfahan. Ibrahim brought this book to convert him to Bahai.
Having read the book, Golamreza realized that the contents prove the reverse and had asked Ibrahim where the book had come from.
In response, he was told that in the difficult year of 1288 A.H (1870 A.D) he obtained this book together with other papers and books from the wife of Ustad Abed the bricklayer who was also from Isfahan and a follower of Bahaullah in return for some amount of wheat.
Anyhow, he brought the book to me this lowly scriber. The book was in a bad hand-writings and with spelling mistakes with pages not in correct order with its pages sawn together. This lowly copied from the same manuscript with in its original order. Despite my research, I could not obtain the original copy. I even sent a copy to Shiraz to people whom we suspected would have books. They didn't have it either. The contents (of the book) are extraordinary and strange. It will be known to you once you have read it. I sent the original copy to the honourable Shams-al Din Effendi the Ottoman ambassador for various considerations. I considered that their highnesses would know better in that land. Also, it was obvious that the book had not been written recently when it was brought to me.

Preliminary translation of extracts from the book
The following is a draft translation of only some of the passages in this book but mainly concerning the prophecies:

Page 1
Sayyed Kazim [4] ascended to the exalting heaven 19 days before the manifestation of (what was kept) secret.

Page 2:
The manifestation of God (in this cycle) is not by Prophet-hood, nor by succession but by divine manifestation [5].

Page 5:
The difference between Light (256 =Nour) and Hell-Fire (251 = Nar) is the Bab (5).

Page 7:
The Point is not included amongst the Letters but is apparent in all Letters. [6]

Page 8
The Letter Qaf [7] was at the time at the stage of a ‘Point’. Its resurrection came when it completed its cycle and became the Letter BA [8]. Similarly, Bayan is today at the stage of a 'Point', its resurrection will arise at the time of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest. [9]

Page 10
They shall imprison the Point under the Letter 'Ba' of the Bism-allah at the number of God (Allah = 66). At that time, the revealing of all things will be be made manifest by Him. All Things are manifested in the number of one-hundred-and-two (Bism = 102). When his first common name is removed, there remains sixty-seven [67 = Maku] being the number of God (Allah = 66) if one letter is removed from it. [10]

He is the Sign of God and they shall imprison Him in the number of God (Allah = Maku – 1) and they shall bring him sorrow.

Page 14
His blood shall be shed in the city six-hundred-and-nineteen (619 = Tabriz).

Page 16
The universal Point of Unity shall not forget and will manifest Himself in any Mirror he wills. .. I shall manifest in the Divine Eternity [Azal]. The revealing of All Things will be made manifest by Azal.

Page 22
O People of Bayan! You pride yourselves that "we have become of the believers", yet ignorant that you shall divide as you did before.

Page 24
O People of Bayan! Had you the strength to listen to what would be more clear, I would have at once extracted all (that is hidden) from the Letter 'Ba' of the Bism-allah clearly and with proof. (Things such as) the movements, the moods, even number of souls in all things, the number of hair in the bodies of animals, the number of all things, and the world of existence.

Page 25
Where it is said that ‘it would be impossible to reveal a (divinely inspired) point or a letter’, what is meant by letters are those Letters that create (the living from dead) not these literal letters. [11]

Page 26
(People of Bayan) shall bring sorrow to the Letters of their Book until they completely annihilate the religion of Bayan and the name of their Lord as they did in the cycle of the messenger of God … Similar to the People of Quran who are wailed (from this manifestation) today, they (i.e. People of Bayan) shall also be entrapped by the Reality of two-hundred-and-thirty-one (231 = Abu-Bakr) and shall annihilate my religion and my Book, in my name.
This is the meaning of the Satan and the (return of) Abu-Sufian [12] who will appear. But I shall take revenge in the second round and the Satan will be killed by the Reality of the Point of Bayan, that is his innovations will be eliminated; they will seduce (People of Bayan) in two-hundred-and-sixty (260 = Edirne) or in twenty-six.

Page 31
A time will come when they will have not heard any of these and will have associated themselves with Bayan and yet will have rejected the whole of Bayan and the Provisions of Bayan and will have brought sorrow to my Mirror [13]. Those are denied of the Reality of the (Letter) Ba in Bism-allah, and yet consider themselves on the side of God.

Page 48
O People of Bayan! You shall also become of the ignorant so much so that so you shall cause your own fall. You shall be on the lips of the people so much so that no one will notice a single letter of Bayan and you shall accept all that is heterodoxy and blasphemy in the name of Bayan, but you shall annihilate the name of Bayan and shall be denied of the Heaven and Fruit of the Bayan [14]. The Light of God shall not be put off.

Page 52
The being of that Mirror was for the sake of the Point and all things are Mirrors because of Him (i.e. the Mirror). Whenever any mirrored person deviates from the Mirror, of course all (other) Mirrors will (also) deviate. [15]

Page 53
It has even been said that if you did not appoint a successor you have not promulgated the faith. The Reality of two-hundred-and-thirty-one [231 = Abubakr] shall be compensated in the next Hell-Fire. The People of the Letter Qaf remained blind to the exception of a few.

After they commit what they shall in the city of six-hundred-and-nineteen [619 = Tabriz], those who consider themselves of Bayan and associate themselves with Bayan and yet are blind, shall mount on his ass the Dajjal who was present at the time of the Point.

Page 54
They will attribute to Him (i.e the Primal Point] lies and will descend on the city of Qia ( = 1011) … What brings sorrow to the Point of Bayan will spread and will grow and then (they) will settle in the city of Qia. The shall name the city of Qia, the city of Submission (Dar-al Islam), yet if you observe its inhabitants there is non like it engaged in blasphemy and heterodoxyon on earth. Even the idolaters of India are better as they have the means and yet they do not transgress.

Page 55
The inhabitants of the city of Qia are from all sects and nations yet none follows their own. The friend is not known from the enemy and they are mostly Jews and those who are not Jew are more wretched than the Jews.
O People of Bayan! Do not neglect yourselves as you shall become more wretched than any other nation and will be denied of the benefit of my first and my second Mirror; the third Mirror Bedooh shall fill the world ..

Page 57
The people of this cycle shall perform worth than any other nation so much so that they shall make obsolete the name of Bayan and shall set up Dajjal in the name of Bayan at the beginning and at the end, and shall set up his ass; (by him) is meant the reality of two-hundred-and-thirty-one [231=Abu-Bakr]. They shall cause their own fall [16] and shall throw people into doubt until no one is inclined to be a believer.

Page 58
O God! These are the ones who will shed my blood every hour and drink my blood. [17]

O God! Condemn them at all times to next Hell-Fire and punish them with what was promised (to occur) in the day of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest and do not at any time enlighten their heart with the fire of your Light and punish them in this and the latter world. [18]

O People of Bayan! Know that my Mirror will be manifested at once after YH (18). One whose name is my name, his act is my act and what will be before him is what is revealed on to me .. He shall call upon you from the city of God and will reside on the house of God [19] ..

Page 59
His first name is my last name and his last name is my first name. The number of multitudes of Unity [19] in his last name is multitudes greater than that of my last name. In the multitudes of the numbers his last name follows a point which if removed will follow two points in the multitudes of the numbers (of his name). One belongs to him and with two points (it) will be my first name. The number of his last name is the number of the name of my last Unities. None will know him by the name of Bayan until he appears. .. He shall appear in the city of blind and they shall not listen to him.

Page 60
He shall join the Reality of (the Letter) 'Ba' in the year forty and shall fill the perpetual world with my Letters of Affirmation and shall empty the world of death. After the Reality of Letter 'Ba' is overcome, Lar (231 = Abu-Bakr) will overcome the Reality of my Mirror.

O People of Bayan! You shall be neglectful of the manifestation of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest and once the Point of Bayan sunsets in the city six-hundred-and-nineteen [619 = Tabriz], you shall be entrapped by the Letters of the Denial of Bayan and will not Nay or Ye to any blasphemy and heterodoxy you are told and he (i.e. the primary Letter of Denial] shall commit all these in the name of Bayan and yet (he) shall not accept Bayan from any of you in the name of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest. At the time of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest (the Letters of Denial] will not accept that Reality of the orbit of the center of the manifestation of the Sun of Eternity but to a small exception as they did in this cycle. Yet, they shall accept His fake in His name.

Page 69
Every cycle is ten times of (the number of) Huva (He, i.e. God, 110 years = 10 X 11). It was on this basis that the Quranic cycle was eleven cycles pointing to 11 places of manifestations. In the twelfth cycle the religion (of Islam) came about and the last Unity pointing to the Reality of the first Unity is manifested. On the same basis, the manifestation of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest will come to end at the number of ‘The Living’ (Hay = 18) and will be manifested in the cycle of Unity (Wahid = 19). [20]

… The Reality of two-hundred-and-thirty-one [231 = Abu-Bakr] that is two hundred-and-thirty-eight [238 = Husayn-Ali] shall appear as Letters of Affirmation and will gather his followers who like himself are clothed in the Letters of Affirmation. He shall prevent these to become believers. At times he claims divinity in two-hundred-and-sixty [260 = Edirne] and at times in twenty-six. This is the meaning of (that which says) God will test every nation after the sunset of the Point.

O People of Bayan! You shall all exit faith, and you shall all worship the Taqut (i.e. the great idol) but to a small exception who are very scarce. And, when the year thirty-three appears (he) shall join the original Letters of Denial and when the 'Bism' of the first Unity completes that is in the year forty two, the Letters of Affirmation of Bedooh (i.e. one whose name equals 20) will appear in the triangluar tablet and shall occupy all tablets of the Letters of Affirmation of Bayan.

Know, that at the time of the Reality of the Letters of Denial who will appear in the cloth of the Letters of Affirmation, not to be a believer in Bayan is better than to believe in him.

Page 70
This is because at the time of the manifestation of the Letters of Affirmation, those who did not believe in Bayan will become believers but those who believed in the Letters of Denial will not become believers. This is (what is meant by) seditions and the Dajjal (i.e. Anti-Christ) that were promised (to appear) at the end of the time (of Islam).

Page 108
All that is said (i.e. in Bayan) shall be wasted and be made pointless. They shall not have a share (from the fruit of) the chosen Mirror of the Point until it appears that there is (perhaps) no Truth on earth. O People of Bayan! Mourn for your own sake, as you shall be wailed from your Lord and yet consider yourselves of the Truth and yet the Truth is weary of you.

Page 112
What is hidden in these words will be made manifest by the tongue of my Mirror, otherwise none will benefit from these writings. [21]

Page 113
O People of Bayan! This is the balance by which my Mirror who holds (in himself) the Point under the Letter 'Ba [22] is recognized. It is impossible for none other than the Mirror of the Point to reveal (the meaning of) a letter or a line from these hidden words even if all on earth gather and wish to comprehend one line from it, other than that will be revealed to them by the Mirror of the Reality of the Point. It is impossible and infeasible.
Ah, Ah, Alas! I regret this cycle and the people of this cycle. The people of the Letters of Bayan shall do great cruelty to Me similar to what People of Israel did to Moses.
With so much (divine) verses and signs only few testified and even that (was) by weakness [23]. And, yet when the calf uttered, all believed in him.
God took revenge of those people and punished them by their own swords. O God! Take revenge of this people as you took revenge before these in the previous cycles and damn them with great damnation as you damned previous nations. All those who revolt (against Me) from whichever group is because of their submission to this cruel people (which shall continue) until the day of resurrection. .. The time is (or will be) to reject those; cursing [24] of this people is advantageous to all worships because the appearance of the blasphemy of this people will cause that the Mirror of Reality will not be recognized. Haven't you heard that enmity with them is friendship with God and friendship with them is enmity with God? [25]

Page 118
O People of Bayan! I see (you) all to have fallen. I wish I could see one soul worthy of mention so that these jugs (i.e. bodies) empty of the essence of the Living, yet full of their own fancy could be filled with this see of abundance.

Page 126
O people of Bayan! You shall astray as you shall bring sorrow to my Mirror to the extent that you shall make him silent. And, if he appears to you, you shall not listen to him and he shall wait until faith disappears amongst you. .. When he appears after three Huva (i.e. 33 = 3 X 11), the religion will be populated in the fourth Huva, the world shall be commanded to come alive after it would have been dead. He shall promulgate the provisions of Bayan.
Page 127
And that is the time when dead bodies of the People of Bayan will be buried for the first time in coffins made of crystal and of one-piece marble [26]. He shall be the first to establish the pilgrimage to the holly house of Bayan that is three Huva after the proclamation of the Reality of two-hundred-and-thirty-one [231 = Abu-Bakr] from which the name of Dajjal will remain if the first letter is removed from his first name.

And, he (i.e. the Dajjal) is the meaning of the Letters of Denial in cloth of Letters of Affirmation, as he will deceive (you) all. My Mirror (is) the one whose name is the very name of the first Unity and all that he hates what is hated by all witnesses (i.e. prophets) and the number in his letters is (the number in) Unity (19 = Wahid] and the multitudes of the Unities in his name is equal to the Letter Ba [= 2. i.e. 2 X 19 = 38 being Azal) and his first name is the first Unity and his last name (is) Bedooh ( = 20 ).


[1] Warnow is a village in Safadoran

[2] Safadoran is a district in Sedeh

[3] Sedeh was renamed to Homayoun Shahr in Pahlavi period and after Islamic Revolution in 1979, it was named khomaini shahr.

[4] Sayyed Kazim was a successor to Shaykh-Ahmad Ahsa the founder of the Shaykhi School. Sayyed Kazim had predicted the appearance of Qaiem (i.e. He-Who-Shall-Rise the promised one of Islam) after his death.

[5] Bayanis believe that Sayyed Ali Muhammad was the body in which God had manifested.

[6] The Arabic alphabets have 28 letters in total, but only 18 (also equal to the number of the Letters of Living i.e Hay) of them are distinct letters. The other 10 are variations of the other 18. It is by extention of a point that all letters are created. This interpretation is in line with the metaphysical description of how the Point creates the Letters of the Living who will then create the Words who will then create the Book (i.e. the Bayani population).

[7] This is in reference to Prophet Muhammad the Point of the Quranic dispensation.

[8] The letter ‘Ba’ is the first letter of the first verse of the first Surat of Quran.

[9] This is line with the Bayanic provisions whereby Bayan is today at its infancy and shall reach the stage of perfection at the time of the manifestation of He-Whom-Gold-Will-Make-Manifest.

[10] Essentially, this prophecy predicts that His Holiness will be imprisoned in Maku which is what happened. Maku = Allah + 1.

[11] This appears to be in reference to a challenge issued in Bayan whereby no one except He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest is able to create one letter such as that in Bayan.

[12] Abu Sufian

[13] The succession is Bayan is defined by the new terminology ‘Mirror’ where the Primal Point is reflected fully in His Mirror. There are other Mirrors who will get their reflection form this Mirror but only partially. The Primary Mirror is the full Mirror. This is derived from the Primal Point’s writing to His Mirror Subh-i Azal and stating “I am you and you are me”.

[14] The ‘Fruit of Bayan’ was another title given to Subh-i Azal by the Primal Point.

[15] This is in reference to the cascading effect that one soul has on many others. Also in reference to those secondary Mirrors who rejected the Point’s Mirror.

[16] i.e. they become disbelievers.

[17] This implies that followers of 231/238 are in constant violation of God’s instructions and provisions.

[18] This implies that the followers of 231/238 will never become believers.

[19] This in reference to the House in Shiraz associated with God .

[20] This indicates that the Islamic cycle was 1210 ( 11 X 110 (10 X 11) ) years plus another 50 years that marks the final completing stage of Islamic period.
Based on this prophecy, the period of the next cycle (i.e. that of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest) will be 1981 years (18 X 110 + 1) to 209 (19 X 19 - 1) years. In other words the religion of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest will last 1981 to 2089 years.

[21] People of Bayan believe that one of the missions of Subh-i Azal was to expose the falsehood of the false claimants and by that protect the religion of Bayan. This prophecy was fulfilled by Subh-i Azal rejecting the falsehood of 238 (Husayn-Ali)’s claim and others before him.

[22] See [19], the Point was explicitly and wholly manifest in his Mirror (Subh-i Azal).

[23] Majority of the believers demand visual proof or material reasons before they enter their belief. These are considered the weak ones. Only a few have the pure heart to become a believer without the need for any material proof.

[24] what is meant by cursing is to counter the falsehood by reason. Subh-i Azal in his Mustayqith (the wakeful) asks his followers to counter those who speak by the tongue of their bowels (i.e. speak not with their brain) with your powerful (words coming from your) lips.

[25] See above.

[26] This is a Bayanic provision that has not yet been executed.

Please click here to view Commentary on Surat-al Hamd - The Point Under The Letter BA
- تفسیر سوره حمد - نقطه باء زیر بسم الله

مقدمه از میرزا مصطفی کاتب
معلوم آن محب مکرم محترم بوده باشد که این کتاب شرح سوره الحمد در سنه هزار و سیصد و سه که در ورنو سفاردان که یکی از قراء سده اصفهان است با چهل خانوار از اهل آن قریه را به اسم بابی ازلی بعدا ز شش نفر کشتن از آنها (ما بقی) فراری شدند که هرگاه وقایع آنها نوشته شده بود یکی از وقایع عجیبه عظیمه بود غلامرضا نامی از آنها در نجف آباد که سه فرسخی اصفهان است در خانه شخصی از تبعه بهاء الله مشهور به ابراهیم پناهنده شده این کتاب را ابراهیم مذکور آورده بود که او را تبلیغ به جناب بهاء الله نماید غلامرضا گرفته بود خوانده بود دیده بود که مطالب برعکس مرار ابراهیم است پرسیده بود این کتاب کجا بوده جواب داده که سال گرانی هزار و دویست و هشتاد و هشت زوجه استاد عابد بنا که اهل خودش اصفهان و آنهم از بتعه بهاء الله بود با بعضی از اوراق و کتابهای دیگر آورده و ما در عوض قدری گندم به او دادیم این کتاب جزء بها بود. باری کتاب را گرفته بود آورد من و حقیر کاتب الحروف کتاب بسیار بد خط و بی املاء و غیر مرتب که جزوهای آنرا به همین بی ترتیب بهم دوخته بودند حقیر هم از روی همان نسخه همان بی ترتیب سواد نمودم و آنچه تجسس نمودم که اصل کتاب را بدست بیاورم بدست نیامد حتی نسخه آنرا به شیراز فرستادیم نزد کسانی که گمان کتب پیش آنها میبردیم آنها هم نداشتند آخر بدست نیامد ولی مطلبها بسیار عجیب و غریب در این کتاب هست بعد از مطالعه معلوم خواهد شد و اصل آن نسخه را حقیر بجهات چند به جناب شمس الدین افندی سفیر عثمانی تقدیم نمودم به ملاحظه اینکه حضرات در آن ملک می باشند ملتفت بعضی مطالب باشند و کتاب را هم روزی که آوردند نزد من معلوم بود که تازه نوشته نشده بود.

در زیر قسمتهایی از کتاب که بیشتر در مورد پیش گوئیهای مربوط به حوادث آینده میباشد استخراج شده است:

صفحه 1
سید کاظم 19 روز به اول ظهور سرّ مانده به ملاء اعلی واصل

صفخه 2
سر ظهور الله نه ظهور به شأن نبوت و ولایت بل بظهور ربوبیت

صفخه 5
فرق نار و نور عدد باب است

صفخه 7
نقطه جزء حروف نیست بلکه ظاهر در کل حروف میباشد

صفخه 8
حروف ق آنروز درمقام نقطه بیود و چون دوره خود را طی معاد آن برپا شد حروف ب شد و بیان امروز در مقام نقطه میباشد تا ظهور من یظهره الله معاد آن برپا خواهد شد

صفخه 10
نقطه تحت باء بسم الله را در عدد الله محبوس کنند و در آنوقت بروز کلشیی از او ظاهر گردد و ظهور کلشیی در عدد یکصد و دو که چون اسم عام اول او را حذف کنند شصت و هفت شود یک حرف چون از او بیندازند بعدد الله شود

اون آیتی است که او را در عدد الله محبوس و محزون خواهند کرد

صفخه 14
خون او ریخته شود در شهر ششصد و نوزده (تبریز = 619)

صفخه 16
نقطه واحد کلیه فراموش نخواهد کرد و در هر آینه که بخواهد جلوه کند چنانچه از این نوع چون در گذرم در اللهی ازل جلوه خواهم کرد و بروزکلشیئ از ازل خواهد شد و چون دوره اون تمام شود بعد از سبع عشرات مرآت در عالم الوهیت سیر خواهم کرد و د ر کره آخر بشأن الوهیت ظاهر خواهم شد

صفخه 22
ای اهل بیان شماها امروزفخر میکنید بر اینکه ما از اهل ایمان شدیم و غافل از اینکه اختلاف خواهید کرد چنانچه پیش از اینها اختلاف کردید و یکدیگر را تکفیر خواهید کرد

صفخه 24
ای اهل بیان قوه شنیدن از این واضحتر شما را میبود هر آینه از باء بسم حرکات و سکنات حتی عدد انفاس جمیع اشیاء و عدد دانه های شعر های بدن حیوانات وعدد کلشیی و علم ما کان و ما یکون همه را واضح و مبرهن بیان میکردم

صفخه 25 اگر جائی گفته شده نقطه یا حرفی مثل این نمیتوانند بیاورند نه این حروف تحججی میباشد بلکه همان حروف ایجادیه میباشد

صفخه 26
حروفات کتاب خود را محزون خواهند کرد تا آنکه بکلی محو کنند شریعت بیان را و اسم رّب خود را چنانچه در دوره رسول الله محو کردند اسم و حی او را ... مثل اهل قرآن که امروز محتجب شدند و ایشان هم بدست حقیقت دویست و سی و یک (ابوبکر = 231) گرفتار شوند محو خواهند کرد شریعت مرا و کتاب مرا باسم من این است معنی شیطان که ظاهر خواهد شد و سفیانی و اما در دوره ثانی انتقام خواهم کشید و شیطان بدست حقیقت نقطه بیان کشته خواهد شد یعنی بدعت های او برطرف خواهد شد گاهی در دویست و شصت (ادرنه = 260) و گاهی در بیست و شش اغوا کنند.

صفخه 31
می آید زمانیکه هیچ از اینها را نشنیده باشند و خود را بر بیان چسبانیده باشند و حال آنکه رد کل بیان و احکام بیان را کرده باشند و مرآت مرا محزون کرده باشند و از حقیقت باء بسم الله محروم باشند و خود را لله دانند

صفخه 48
ای اهل بیان شما ها غافل خواهید شد آنقدر که خود را هلاک کنید و بر السنه مردم خواهید افتاد به حدی که دیگر اعتنائی بر یک حرفی از بیان نکنید و هرچه از کفرها و زندقه ها که به اسم بیان گفته شود همه را قبول کنید ولکن اسم بیان را محو خواهید کرد و از جنت و ثمره بیان محروم شوید و نور خدا خاموش نخواهد شد.

صفخه 52
وجود اون مرآت بود از برای نقطه و کلشیی مراتند از برای وجود اون هرگاه شخص مرآت از مرآت منحرف شد البته کل مرآت منحرف خوهند شد این است معنی خلیفه و قائم مقام و وصی و هرچه خوانند

صفخه 53
حتی آنکه گفته شده اگر خلیفه نصب نکردی هیچ تبلیغ رسالت نکردی
حقیقت دویست و سی و یک ( ابوبکر) را به نار بعد جزا داده
کور ماندند اهل حروف ق مگر قلیلی
اینهائی که خود را از اهل بیان میدانند و نسبت خود را بر بیان میدهند و کور میباشند چون بر من وارد آرند آنچه در شهر ششصد و نوزده دجال را بر الدغش سوار خواهند کرد که در زمان نقطه بیان ظاهر بوده
صفخه 54 بر من وارد آرند آنچه در شهر ششصد و نوزده دجال را بر الاغش سوار خواهند کرد که در زمان نقطه بیان ظاهر بوده و کذب ها بر او خواهند بست و در شهر غیا فرود خواهند آمند.... آنچه که نقطه بیان را محزون کنند آنچا نشو و نما خواهد کرد و بعد از آن در شهر غیا مسکن خواهد گرفت و اسم شهر غیا را شهر الاسلام خواهد گذارد و حال آنکه اگر اهل اون شهر را مشاهده کنند در کل روی ارض مثل اون را در کفر و زندقه یافت نخواهند کرد حتی مجوس های اهل هند بهترند از آنها جهت اونکه در کفر خود راهی در دست دارند و تجاوز نمیکنند

صفخه 55
و اهل شهر غیا از هر فرقه و طریقه در او است و هیچیک از آنها در طریقه خود حرکت نمی کنند و دوست از دشمن ممتاز نیست و اغلب یهود میباشند هرکس هم یهود نیست از آنها که یهود میباشند پست ترند. ای اهل بیان غافل نشوید از خودتان که از اهل هر مللی پست تر خواهید شد واز نصیب مرآت اول و دوم من محروم خواهید شد و مرآت مثلث بدوح پٌر خواهد کرد عالم الواح کلشیی را الله یظهر من کلشیی و هو علی کلشی قدیر و بصیر

صفخه 57
اهل این دوره از هر قومی بد تر خواهند کرد تا به جائیکه اسم بیان را منسوخ کنند و برپا کنند حقیقت دجال را در اول و آخر و برپا کنند الاغ او را یعنی حقیقت دویست و سی و یک را به اسم بیان و خود را در هلاکت اندازند و مردم را در شبهه تا آنکه دیگر کسی میل نکند که داخل در ایمان شود

صفخه 58
الهی اینها هستند که خون من را میریزند هر ساعت و میخورند خون مرا و خراب میکنند ترا و اوصیاء ترا و انبیاء تو ر ا
الهی ایشانرا همیشه در نار بعد انداز و باون عذاب هائیکه وعده شده بود در یوم من یظهره الله برسان و هرگر به آتش نور خود دل ایشان را منور نگردان و ایشان را به عذاب دنیا و آخرت هردو گرفتار کن
و ای اهل بیان واقف باشید که بغتته ظاهر شود مرآت من بعد از یح که اسم او اسم من است و فعل او فعل من است و نزد او است آنچه بر من نازل شده و از شهر الله محروم خواهید شد شما را در شهرالله خواهد خواند و بربیت الله خواهد نشست و ..

صفخه 59
.. اسم اول او اسم آخر من است و اسم آخر او اسم اول من است و مربته عدد آحاد اسم آخر او مراتب فوق اسم آخر من است و در مراتب اعداد اسم آخر او یک نقطه جاری است و چون نقطه را بر دارند و در مرتبه اعداد او دو نقطه جاری کنند که یک خودش داشته و مع دو نقطه اسم اول من میشود و عدد اسم آخر او عدد اسم آحاد آخر من است نمیشناسند احدی از ناس او را باسم بیان تا آنکه اظهار کند و در زمان اون که زنده بوده باشد در شهر کور هم چننین ظاهر شود و گوش بر حرفش نکنند تا اینکه

صفخه 60
در سنه چهل واصل شود بر حقیقت ب (2) و پر کند جروف اثبات من عالم بقا را و خالی کند عالم موت را و بعد از مغلوب شدن حقیقت ب (2) لار (231 = ابو بکر) غالب شود حقیقت مرآت من
ای اهل بیان غافل خواهید شد از ظهور من یظهره الله و چون نقطه بیان در شهر 619 غروب کند بدست حروف نفی کتاب بیان گرفتار خواهید شد و هر کفر و شرک و زندقه که بر شما گویند لا و نعم نکنید و همه را به اسم بیان کند ولیکن بیان را از هیچ از شما قبول نکند به اسم من یظهره الله و حال آنکه در زمان من یظهره الله از اون حقیقت مدار مرکز طلوع شمس ذات ازل قبول نخواهند کرد مگر قلیل چنانچه در این دوره کردند و باسم او از کاذب او قبول خواهند کرد

صفخه 69
هر دور ده هو میباشد این بود که در دوره قرآن یازده دور که اشاره است به یازده محل تجلی و بروز گذشته و در دوره دوازدهم دین او بروز واحد آخر که عبارت است از حقیقت واحد اول بوده باشد ظاهرگشته این است که در ظهور من یظهره الله بعدد حی دوره او تمام میشود و در دوره واحد ظاهر خواهد شد ولکن بعد از آحاد و یک بسم حقیقت دویست و سی و یک ظاهر شود در حروف اثبات جلوه کند که عبارت از دویست و سی و هشت باشد و اتباع خود را که حقیقت حروف نفی باشند در لباس حروف اثبات مثل خودش همه را جمع کنند و مانع شود از اینکه بگذارد اینها داخل در ایمان شوند و گاهی در شهر غیا و گاهی در دویست و شصت و گاهی در بیست و شش اظهار الوهیت خود کند این است آنکه خداوند هر قومی را بعداز غروب نقطه امتحان میکند و ای اهل بیان همه شما ها از دین بیرون خواهید رفت و همه عبادت طاغوت خواهید کرد مگر قلیلی که کبریت احمرند و چون سنه سی و سه ظاهر شود ملحق شود بر اصل حروف نفی و چون بسم واحد اول تمام شود که سنه چهل و دو بوده باشد ظاهر شود حروف اثبات بدوح در لوح مثلث پر کند جمیع الواح حروف اثبات بیان را و با خبر باشید از اینکه در زمان حقیقت حروف نفی که خود را در حروف اثبات جلوه داده کافر بر بیان بودن بهتر است از ایمان باو بجهت آنکه

صفخه 70
در زمان ظهور حروف اثبات آن کسانیکه کافر بر بیان بوده اند ایمان خواهند آورد و آن کسانیکه ایمان بر حقیقت حروف نفی آورده اند ایمان نیاورند این است فتنه های آخر الزمان که وعده شده بودو دجال قول

صفخه 108
آنچه گفته شده همه را ضایع و بی معنی خواهند کرد و بی نصیب خواهند شد از آن مرآت منتخبة نقطه بیان تا آنکه گمان روزد حق در روی زمین نیست ای اهل بیان بر حال خود گریه کنید که محتجب از رّب خود خواهید شد و خود را حق دانید و از حق و مدبر و حق از شما بیزار خواهد شد

صفخه 112
اسرار این کلمات از لسان مرآت حقیقت جاری خواهد شد و الا دیگر کسی را بهره از این مکتوبات نیست

صفخه 113
ای اهل بیان این است آن میزان شناختن مرآت حقیقت و صاحب نقطه تحت باء و جاری نخواهد شد این اسرار الا از لسان مرآت نقطه و اگر جمیع ما علی الارض جمع شوند و بخواهند یک حروف یا یک سطر مثل آن اتیان کنند محال است بلکه جمع ما علی الارض جمع شوند و بخواهند یک سطر او را ادراک کنند دون مرآت حقیقت نقطه که او القا کند بر اون ها مال و ممتنع میباشد آه آه و افسوس از این دوره و خلق این دور و اهل حروف بیان که ظلم عظیم بر من خواهند کرد مثل بنی اسرائیل که بر موسی کردند و با این همه آیات و بینات قلیلی تصدیق کردند اون هم بضعف و چون گوساله سخن گفت همه ایمان به او آوردند خداوند انتقام کشید از آن قوم که جهود ها را باسیف به دست خودشان بقتل رسانید الهی انتقام بکش از این قوم چنانچه انتقام کشیدی قبل از اینها در دوره های قبل و لعنت کن ایشان را لعن عظیم ان لعنت هائیکه بر سایر امم کردی و آنچه عصیان ورزند هر فرقه تا یوم قیامت همه به جهت تصدین این قوم ظالم است و علت انگار کلشیی و منکرین به جهت تصدیق اینقوم بی ایمان است که پردهای نفس چنان پیچیده شد که هلاک کرده همه را و زمان رد کردن این قوم و لعن بر این قوم افضل از هر عبادت است زیرا که سبب شود ظهور کفر این قوم تا آنکه مرآت حقیقت را نشناسند آیا نشنیده ای دشمنی با آنها دوستی با خدا است و دوستی با آنها دشمنی با خدا است.

صفخه 118
ای اهل بیان همه را هلاک مشاهده میمایم ای کاش یک نفس از اهل قابلیت مشاهده میشد تا آنکه قدری از این بحر فیض که مملو شده در کوزه های خالی از ماء حیات و مملو از ضریع هوای خودشان ریخته میشد که سنگینی و لب ریزی تخفیف دریافت و کوزه های وجود پیچیده ولکن کوزه مشاهده نمیشود که جای آب حیات در او باشد الهی قلب من از اینها منزجر شده و قلب اینها از من منزجر شده و از تو مسئلت میکنم که مرا بر اصل خود واصل کن وقلوب اینها را از حق مدبر کن چنانچه مدبراند و بفرست کسی را که بر اولیها غبطه خورند الهی قلب من تنگ شده و ایشان را به حال خود گذار و خود را بخود مشغول و اهل اقبال خود زود ظاهر فرما تا حق خود را از ایشان بگیرم و اسرار تو را در نزد اهل تو گذارم

صفخه 126
ای اهل بیان در ضلالت و گمراهی خواهید افتاد چنانچه مرآت مرا محزون خواهید کرد به جائی که او را ساکت خواهید کرد و اگر او خود را بر شما ظاهر کند شما گوش به حرف او نخواهید کرد و او صبر خواهد کرد تا آنکه دیگر هیچ در شما از ایمان باقی نماند مگر اسم و خود را در هلاک کردن و چون جلوه کند بعد از سه هو و در هو چهارم اشتهار امر شود عالم را احیا کند بعد از آنکه مرده باشد و ترویج دهد احکام بیان را و

صفخه 127
اون اول زمانی است که میت های اهل بیان را در بلور دفن کنند و در حجر یک پارچه و او اول بنای طواف کعبه بیان خواهد شد و بعد از سه هو که از بعد بیان حقیقت دویست و سی و یک که چون حرف اسم اول وی را از اون ساقط کنند اسم دجال از او باقیماند و اون است معنی حروف نفی در لباس اثبات که همه را فریب خواهد داد و مرآت من که اسم او همان اسم واحد اول باشد و کینه او کینه جمیع حجت ها بوده باشد و عدد حروف اون واحد باشد و مراتب آحاد اون باء بوده باشد و اسم اول اون واحد اول و اسم آخر اون بدّوح

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