The Seven Proofs

The Primal Point’s Dalail-i Sab’a (the Seven Proofs) was written by him during his imprisonment in Maku and subsequent to the Persian Bayan.
Following are excerpts from the Seven Proofs concerning the Point’s predictions on appearance of Subh-i Azal And his station:

The Source of the Title ‘Subh-i Azal’
According to the Tradition of Kumayl, once Ibn Ziyad, one of Imam Ali’s chosen disciples demanded of Ali to explain “what is truth?”. The tradition as set forth in Point’s Seven Proofs is as follows:

« و نظر نموده در اجوبه مرفوعین قبلین یقین میمائی بر اینکه ظهور موعود منتظر همان ظهور حقیقت مسئول عنه است که در حدیث کمیل دیده ای. در سنه اول کشف سبحات الجلال من غیر اشارة ببین. و در ثانی محوالموهوم و صحوالمعلوم و در ثالث هتک الستر و در رابع جذب الاحدیة  لصفة التوحید. ببین . و در خامس . نوراشرق من صبح الازل را خواهی دید اگر خود هارب نگردی و مظطرب نشوی. »

The Truth is:
“the revelation of the splendours of divine majesty without a sign in the first year.”
“The effacement of the conjectured and the clearing of the known in the second.”
“The rending of the veil by the triumph of the majesty in the third.”
“The attraction of the Divine Unity through the apprehension of its oneness in the fourth.”
“And in the fifth: A light shining forth from the Morning of Eternity (i.e. Subh-i Azal)” [and irradiating the temples of the Unity], if thou dost not thyself flee away and become troubled”.
The Primal Point quotes this tradition is support of his manifestation and its development. Mirza Jani of Kashan, in his Nuqtatul-Kaf, associates “a light shining forth from the Morning of Eternity and irradiating the temple of the Unity” with the appearance, and appointment of Subh-i Azal as successor to the Point by the Point himself, by whom he was entitled “The Morning of Eternity” [Subh-i Azal] in allusion to the promise connected with this year in the tradition.

Station of ‘Light’
‘Nur’ (light) is one of the titles conferred on Subh-i Azal by the Point. The Point points out that the term ‘light’ in the passage of the prophet’s tradition of Kumayl “and in the first year thou shall see (fulfilled), there shone forth a light from the Morning of Eternity, if thou dost not thyself flee away and become troubled,” refers to Imam Husayn, son of Ali-Ibn Abi Talib, as the light is like a lamp that burns itself to illuminate others.
Hence the designation of Subh-i Azal as Nur (light), or Husayn, and the Morning of Eternity by the Point.

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