The Year ‘Nine’

8.     The Year ‘Nine’

As regards the purificatory provision in the Aqdas in its relation to the Ridvan, Shoghi Effendi admits that up to the date of “the declaration of his prophetic mission in the Ridvan in 1279 A.H. (1863)” Baha posed as a disciple of the BÂB.” God passes by, P. 128.

This means that there was no declaration by Baha in Baghdad in 1269 A.H. (1853)” upon expulsion from Iran. Ibid, P. 109. This also means that there was no declaration of mission by Baha in Baghdad in between these two dates. No record exists of Baha’s alleged declaration in the Ridvan. Baha was removed from Baghdad in 1279 A.H. (1863).’ Ibid, P. 155.

Baha had to find a date for the declaration of his mission.
There is a passage in which he states to have revealed himself “in the year nine.” The relevant passage runs as follows:
“In the year nine this Most Great Revelation arose and shone forth above the horizon of the will of god.” Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Shoghi Effendi’s translation, P. 142.

There are two years ending in nine, the year 1269 A.H, in which, as Shoghi Effendi admits, no declaration of mission was made, and the year 1279 A.H, in which it is alleged that a declaration was made in the Ridvan, of which no record exists.

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