Who Is Who of the Bahaism


Zayn-al-Abedin was a transcriber. The co-reviser of the “holly writings” were Baha’s second son Mirza Muhammad Ali and Mirza Aqa Jan of Kashan surnamed by Baha the Servant of god and the Servant of the Presence (Materials, p.9; p.17). Errors regretted.

Authority to revise quoted in Enclosure II, Huwa Sahifa-al-Hub va Al-Wifaq Fi Bayan Kalimat Markaz-Al-Mithaq, Ghurra Muharram 1317 (هو صحیفه الحب و الوفاق فی بیان کلمات مرکز المیثاق، محرم 1317) A.H (May 12, 1899). Cover, p.31, p.32, p.40 printed.

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