10. The Kashf-al-Hiyal (The Uncovering of Deceptions)
This work was composed by Mirza Abd-al-Husayn Ayati surnamed Awara, after his abjurdation of Bahaism and return to the fold of Islam. It consists of three volumes.

The quotations are from the following impressions:
Vol. I. 6th impression,
Vol. II. 2nd Impression,
Vol. III. 3rd Impression.

For Awara, see who is who, Awara.

The significance of this work of Awara is two folds:
His accounts of Abbas Effendi and Shoghi Effendi can be considered as eyewitness accounts. He held a high ranking within the Bahai hierarchy and was well positioned to be privy to the events and the character of Abbas Effendi and Shoghi Effendi. His account of the two is most unflattering.

When however reading Awara’s comments and understanding of the teachings of Bayan and even Bahai provisions (majority of which is based on Bayan), Awara's total ignorance of the basic fundamentals of the new teachings becomes manifest. This in isolation may not be significant, but what is significant is that this man was (at least for a while) considered to be a first class Bahai proselytizer and a well respected Bahai author which reflects very poorly ion on the Bahai hierarchy and the sort of people who had gathered around them and wrote for their pleasure.

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