The Fate of the Point’s Writings

3.   Juli Chamler’s Account
In his Epistle to the Son of the Wolf of 1890, Juli Chamler’s translation, PP. 172-174, Baha says: “I Had chosen a group of people to collect the writings of the Point. When this was done, I brought together Mirza Yahya [Subh-i-Azal], and Mirza Wahhab Khurassani known by the name of Mirza Jawad. Conforming with our instructions these were prepared two complete series of the works of His Highness the Point, yet truly ‘I have been so pre-occupied by my relations with the whole world, that I have never read these books nor with my own eyes contemplated the works of the Point! The writings remained in the hands of these two persons, and it was agreed that when the time came for me to leave Baqdad, Mirza Yahya should take them into Persia, where he would publish them. Now, upon receiving a summons from the ministers of the Ottoman government, I set out for those regions. When I arrived at Mousal I found that Mirza Yahya who had left Baghdad before me was there awaiting me. In short he had abandoned the works of the BAB at Baghdad, and had come to rejoin us at Istanbul. God witness to what I felt! After so much effort, to abandon the writings, and to hasten to join the exiles and at Iraq, books must constantly be watched, or they disappear and are lost. For a time I was racked by infinite grief, through means which god alone knows, I was enabled to send the writings into another country. God protected them and brought them to a place which he had chose."

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